11 sept 2009


The students of 1st BAT (2008-09) carried out a Project called Let’s Shakespeare.

As you can guess, it is based on Shakespeare. They did different activities related to Shakespeare during last school year.

They prepared a presentation about the following topics:

A) Tudor England: houses, food, clothes.

B) Shakespeare’s life and Works

C) Theatre in Shakespeare’s age. Shakespeare company, the Globe theatre

D) Hamlet: characters and plot. Love and Money in Shakespeare’s plays.

E) Revenge and death and woman in Shakespeare’s plays.

F) Romeo and Juliet: characters and plot.

They also filmed Hamlet, they read two plays by Shakespeare, they went to the theatre to see Romeo and Juliet and so on.

As a price, they won a scholarship to UK FROM 30 AUGUST TO 12 SEPTEMBER 2009.

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